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  • Writer's pictureLia Davis

24 Hours in Belgium: Spontaneity and Experiences

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

Belgium is the first country in Europe that I ever visited. This trip helped me be more spontaneous in my decision making and helped develop my curiosity to see the rest of the world. Belgium was also my shortest trip, only 24 hours and it was planned in just a few minutes. It all started when my school went on strike and my big sister and I were looking for something to do. I begged my sister and eventually convinced her to fly across the world on a whim with our mom's airlines passes at the age of 15. We packed up quickly and before I knew it we were in Belgium. I saw so many beautiful things in a short amount of time and had more fun than I ever could have imagined. This trip taught me that plans are not always needed and that it can be good to take a risk. I will forever be thankful for this trip and the lessons it taught me.

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